Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Welcome to Chumperville!!!

Hello neighbor,
I figured that it was about time for me to catch up with all the little 9 year old boys and girls out there and create a blog. Yes, I am Chumpy Chumperton. I live in Chumperville. Population 1. The great thing about Chumperville is that it is open to growth. I would like to invite all those who desire a new place to grow , who yearn( yes I said yearn) for a place to express themselves like they want to. NO, this is not the new Burger King commercial you saw this afternoon. this is an open invitaion to Chumperville. Take the plunge and become a Chumpy Chumper.


Kliss said...

I am married to Chumpy Chumperton? weird.

Emily said...

You chump! You have no idea how happy you have made me. I love that you have a blog. Now I can see what is really going on in your head. By commenting on your blog does this make me a Chumpy Chumper or is there something else I have to do to gain access to Chumperville? Oh, and congrats on the new job, we are so excited for you!

Harris Beach Bums said...

Hey chumpy, I am going to have a lot of fun checking out what's inside that head of yours. So glad you have a blog.

Harris Beach Bums said...

Also, I am excited to hear some of your oun music.

The Francis Family said...

I loved your invitation. Sign us up! We can't move right away... but you build it, we will come.